New multi-carrier section: Orders

A new multi-carrier section has been created within the deliverea suite: Orders .

With this new update, you can now create your orders prior to shipping. Creating an order allows you to manage the next shipments in advance and asynchronously, being able to edit the origin and destination data, number of packages, dimensions, carrier, service, etc. as many times as necessary.

The order creation form is the same as the shipping form, so when confirming the order, all the information necessary to document the shipment will be available. To make the transition from order to shipping , you must confirm the order by clicking on the “confirm” button in the upper right, next to the “edit” and “delete” button.

When confirming the order, Deliverea processes the request and tries to document with the carrier, in the event that there is an error it will automatically retry up to 15 times, if it fails to document, a message will be displayed detailing the reason. If the confirmation does not have any errors, it will be documented and the shipment will be created. Once the shipment has been created, we will find it in the list of shipments.